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Like many families we were forced to celebrate our Christmas & Hanukkah season at somewhat of a distance, and it turned out better than I expected.

One daughter tested positive for Covid a couple days before Christmas, so we made the decision to hold a “non-covid” event via distant gift exchange and a Zoom call to open.

We met outdoors to exchange gifts, each family piling them into their respective cars (overflowing, I might add). This included handing out food that was meant for the events that we weren’t able to have in person.

The Zoom call to watch gift opening was, for me, even more fun than doing it in person because we were forced to see each person opening their gifts rather than have the event turn into a whirlwind of flying ribbon and paper.

I’m hoping that this pandemic wanes in the coming year, but scientists (yes, I believe in science) believe it may become an “endemic” and thus we will need to live with it.

Vaccines work. I and other family members were exposed and didn’t get sick. We were all vaccinated (including the one who tested positive and got a mild case). Breakthrough cases happen, but hospitalizations after vaccinations are rare.

That’s my opinion, of course. And, I’m sticking to it. Happy New Year!