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I’ve been interested in writing (and of course, reading) my entire life. It took me a long time and a lot of soul-searching to decide what to write. I love mysteries as well as all kinds of women’s fiction, literary fiction, most types of non-fiction including biographies, auto-biographies, and books on writing, science and self-help.

After publishing two non-fiction books for teens, I wanted to write a novel. It’s harder than it sounds (and it doesn’t sound easy). I’ve got four or five incomplete novels in computer files somewhere, and finally settled on mystery.

It turns out there are many types of mystery and almost all novels have some element of mystery. There are cozies, hard-boiled, police procedural, thrillers and many other types.

The more I learn about writing (and life), I realize how much I don’t know.

But, I’m up for learning and for sharing anything I learn.

Snow in Frisco, Colorado overlooking Lake Dillon