Many of us have thought about age this past week with President Biden withdrawing from a second run at another term. He was applauded widely for stepping down. Don’t get me wrong, I think for his health and the country’s, he needed to step down. It was time.
I watched his fateful debate with his opponent, watched him lose focus, stare blankly, cough and sputter. I turned it off and cried, somehow knowing that would be the end of his run. He has, in my opinion, been a strong and efficient leader, humble and honest and as my husband says, “is a work horse, not a show horse.”
It got me thinking about how we are treated differently as we age. We are no longer expected to be productive, but most of us want and need to be productive. Our mistakes and oopsies are more likely to be noticed and pointed out. Is it dementia? Is she failing? Even doctors treat you differently as you age. You are no longer going to die an early death, so many tests are bypassed. My late mother-in-law was told by one specialist that her symptoms couldn’t be Colon cancer because people over eighty don’t get it. The one who diagnosed her with Colon cancer told her that everyone over eighty gets it. Both were wrong. I trust Google. Just sayin’.
Every day, I am grateful that I’m older. Every day, every year is a blessing and is not guaranteed. Every day with husband, kids and grandkids is a blessing.
I didn’t start feeling old until I turned fifty, but now I realize how young fifty really is. My husband often quotes Groucho Marx – A man’s only as old as the woman he feels. I tell him that he should be starting to feel old (DH is six months younger that I). Luckily, as we age, our eyesight sometimes goes too.
I’ve also heard that “you are only as old as the secrets you carry.” I don’t suppose I have secrets anymore–at least not any of consequence. I guess the current book(s) I’m working on writing are secrets, as I am a closeted writer at times.
I hope we, as Americans can be more like Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, who revere their aged. I hope young and old can come together and not blame or resent generations older than them and not blame or resent generations younger than them.
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