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Anxiety levels are up, we are all restless; it’s hard to concentrate through the news (that seems to change each day), the uncertainty, and the heightened emotions that this situation has caused.

I’m trying to read more; I’ve load my Kindle with five new books and I’ve ordered a couple of hard-back books to read. So far, I’m half-way through one book. My husband has read probably ten. He seems to be able to turn off the outside noise and deep-dive into a book (and also his work). He also reads more than anyone I’ve ever known.

I’m trying that strategy, but so far I have to force myself to turn off my favorite “binge” shows and read–or write.

Some of the books on my Kindle: Traps by Mackenzie Bezos (I admit I’m curious about how she’s doing); Dark Paradise by Tami Hoag (nothing like a good thriller written by a woman); Killing Trail by Margaret Mizushima (president of Sisters in Crime Colorado); Get Real by Westlake (a caper); Pest Control by Fitzhugh (a good comedic caper); various non-fiction books about Colorado; some freebies like Gone With the Wind; numerous others that I may not get to.

Every day is a new day, a new opportunity to read, to write, to garden, to talk to my loved ones, to try a new recipe… so much I should be doing.