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Has a good “ring” to it. two 2’s a 5 and a 0.

I usually, like most people set new goals on this day.

One of my most important (to me); don’t listen to talking-head news. I’m my own expert (in my own mind).

I’ll read headlines each day but limit it to one website, such as CNN.

The others are now noise to me instead of news.

If I can regain some productivity by not caring as much about what other people think is going to happen versus what actually happens, good on me.

By keeping this resolution, I can replace the time I gain with productive things; writing a couple books I’m working on, improving my exercise and strength routines, spending more time with DH, daughters and grands (if they are willing), traveling.

There’s so much more to do that doesn’t involve me reading comments on articles that may or may not be true, looking up celebrities or listening to political commentary.