I donate blood about four times a yes. Yet, that isn’t what this blog is about.

The last time I donated blood, I was asked if I’d be willing to enter a medical study, which was a “simple” blood test that would detect DNA signals to over 50 types of cancer.

“Sure,” I said, and then had to fill out three pages of forms and sign a couple of releases.

At the time, I thought how easy it was and how great and miraculous such a test would be. It’s still not FDA approved, but very near.

They told me that I would expect a call in about two weeks with the results. They made sure I knew that if the study folks call, then the results are probably negative, but if I primary care doctor called, there might be a problem.

I underestimated my anxiety level about this test and agonized about it for the next two weeks.

When the phone rang and it was my doctor’s office, I went into major panic-attack mode.

Why had I agreed to this test? I had perhaps not wanted to know if I had some type of cancer roaming around in my blood or other places.

After calming myself down (glass of wine), I called back. They wanted me to schedule my next general checkup. Arghhh.

I got the “good” call from the study a few days later telling me there were no cancer DNA “signals” found and asking if I would fill out a survey or two regarding the test.

“Sure,” I said.

Much of the survey was about my level of anxiety over test results. High. Very high. Evidently, judging by the number of questions about fear and anxiety, I’m not alone about this “test anxiety.”

Will be line up for a test or tests that will give us our “fate” in one fell swoop?

I went a week feeling grateful for my good health, and now that the glow of relief is over, I try to remind myself each morning to be grateful for good health.

I also remind myself to think things through before saying, “sure” so often.